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• Equal Opportunities Policy Statement 

Millennium Performing Arts is opposed to any policy or practice which discriminates against an individual or group on grounds of sex, colour, creed, ethnic/national origins, sexual orientation, class, age, disability, marital status and those caring for dependents.


We recognise that people who have been categorised in this way have suffered a long history of oppression and in particular, have experienced substantial discrimination within the sphere of employment.


In our employment practices we will strive to eradicate such discrimination and will apply objective criteria to assess relevant abilities, avoiding judgements based on personal preference and prejudice. We aim to ensure that all job applicants are considered on an equal basis, and that all employees will have the opportunity and training to progress in their employment both within and outside this organisation.


The very foundation of Millennium guarantees an open and progressive approach towards equal opportunities. Millennium was founded by three diverse but like minded individuals: 1 female, two males; 2 heterosexuals, 1 homosexual; 1 black/Asian, two whites; three different religions/creeds, and three different nationalities. Physical suitability of each prospective student must be assessed on an individual basis. Many students and ex-students from Millennium are involved with delivering special programs to underprivileged children (under guidance) in their spare time.


As one of the Directors is a black male, the management is acutely aware of a lack of interest from males of ethnic minority groups, generally, for vocational theatrical training. Millennium is involved in specific Widening Participation Programmes including projects/workshops in schools and youth centres delivered by male and ethnic minority role models to familiarise and generate interest, enthusiasm and accessibility.

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